Курсы уход за ребенком, няня в Таллинне

Child carer

Childcare, Nanny – level 4

I The aim of the adult education course is to enable the development of an individual with the knowledge, skills, abilities, necessary qualifications and social readiness for work. The participant of the course acquires professional knowledge at the basic level in the specialty “Nanny”, which will allow him to enter the labor market and get a job in various companies or work as an individual entrepreneur after the course. The training week of the course of the specialty “Nanny” includes theoretical and practical training.

The requirements of the professional standard “Nanny” were taken into account when creating the course. – Curriculum of the specialty “Nanny” duration: 160 theory

and 80 practice. amount of professional language:

The curriculum is designed for further adult education.

After passing the course it is necessary to: pass the exam

After completing the course, a certificate of professional knowledge is issued.

II Prerequisites for participation in the training – necessary competencies and requirements to complete the training:

  • a person with at least a basic education can start a nanny program.
  • training is considered to be completed if the learning outcomes presented in the curriculum have been achieved, the final examination in the specialty has been passed with a positive result and the age at the time of graduation is at least 18 years.

III Competencies to be developed

The objective of the course is to prepare an employee who:

  • provides a physically and psychologically safe environment for the child;
  • follows the child’s daily schedule, as determined by the parent, taking into account the child’s age-related needs;
  • supports the child’s development through daily activities;
  • monitors the child’s personal hygiene, guides the child in its fulfillment and helps when necessary;
  • monitors the child’s nutrition, helps the child eat, and prepares meals if necessary;
  • monitors the child’s health, promotes health, and cares for a sick child if necessary;
  • communicates with the child’s family and develops the child’s social contacts;
  • values his/her profession and develops his/her professional skills;
  • is able to plan, execute, evaluate and develop his/her work;
  • complies with the requirements of professional ethics and confidentiality;
  • can independently apply his/her professional knowledge and skills in various work situations;
  • oriented to achieve quality results of learning and work;
  • is responsible for the safety of the child, self and coworkers, handles dangerous situations;
  • works to preserve health and the environment;
  • can make choices based on ethics and the law;
  • can communicate, obtain and analyze information;
  • has knowledge of labor law;
  • has a willingness for teamwork;

V Curriculum Structure

  • Curriculum of the specialty “Nanny” duration: 160 theory and 80 practice.

The duration of one academic week is a maximum of 40 hours, including both theoretical and practical work.

The curriculum is prepared in the form of modules that provide independent skills and knowledge as well as form relationships.

The module consists of subjects that form a coherent whole, which over the course of the learning period, depending on the age of the learner, increasingly deepens skills and knowledge;;

    • including independent work
    • the internship is organized by the Training Center


VI Description of the premises

The premises of the Training Center are located at the address: Tallinn,.Vilisuu 7, the Training Center has a separate entrance, a lobby, a checkroom, 2 toilets, a corridor, where there is also a receptionist’s room.

The training center also has a fire exit.

The training center is designed for classroom lectures.

The total area is 30m 2. In this room are arranged double desks. Also there is a place of the teacher with a table, chair, computer, projector, screen, blackboard.

Duration – 240 hours of classroom theoretical and practical work, 30 hours of independent work. Total 270 hours.
Cost – 2300 euros.

Lecturers: the main lecturer Irina Olenich, higher legaleducation, second degreesocial work,level 6 andragogue. Social ppsychologist, health worker.

Модуль 1

Providing a child safe environment. Physical, chemical, biological and psychological hazards of the work environment, their prevention and risk reduction. Occupational safety, health and hygiene requirements related to childcare. Basic housekeeping and domestic hygiene. Safety requirements for creating and maintaining a safe environment
Total: 16 ac. часа

Module 2.

Supporting child growth and development. Different stages of child development, age differences. Concept of maltreatment, its manifestation and prevention. Speech, perception, thinking, development of imagination and social skills of the child. Teaching manners and ethics. Fundamentals of planning and conducting day activities according to the age of the child
Total: 30 ac. hours

Module 3.

Forming hygiene habits in a child, guiding and helping him/her to follow the rules of hygiene. Teaching cleanliness. Hygiene teaching methods appropriate to the age and development of the child. Age differences and the child’s individual abilities
Total: 8 ac. hours

Module 4

Child nutrition and eating assistance. Food culture (including religious and cultural beliefs) and customs. Principles of healthy eating and food hygiene rules according to the age of the child. Basics of menu planning according to specific guidelines and the fundamentals of medical nutrition
Total: 8 ac. часов

Module 5

Controlling a child’s health, promoting health, caring for a sick child. Factors threatening a child’s health. Factors contributing to the child’s health. Monitoring the child’s health (body temperature, breathing, excretions, etc.) and safety (safe environment appropriate to the child’s age and needs). Providing first aid to the child. Basics of caring for infants and young children. Basics of caring for a child with a disability
Total: 20 ac. часов

Module 6

Collaborative work with parents. Basics of child rearing. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology. Basic principles of counseling. Basics of psychology of communication
Total: 18 ac. часа

Module 7

First Aid. Vital signs of a child’s health (e.g. pulse, respiratory rate, etc.). Various life- and health-threatening illnesses, accidents (e.g., drowning, electrocution, etc.) and injuries (fracture, bleeding, etc.). The ABCs of revitalization. Measures and means of first aid
Total: 16 ac. часов

Модуль 8

Job manual. Fundamentals of management. Fundamentals of teamwork. Computer use.
Total: 6 ac. часов

Модуль 9

Caring for a child with special needs. The types of disabilities and illnesses. Problem behaviors. Basics of rehabilitation. Assistive devices and their use. Basics of alternative communication. Special pedagogy and basics of psychology
Total: 24 ac. hours

Модуль 10

Providing babysitting services. Professional Ethics. Safety and health requirements associated with the specialty. Legislation related to the specialty
Total: 14 ac. часов

Module 11

The supervised practice takes place in kindergartens and childcare centers. In the course of practical work the passed theoretical material is consolidated. Pupils gain experience for success in their future specialty.
Total: 80 HOURS

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Carer training


– understands the nature of the support service and its ethical basis;

– develops the client’s social skills;

– Supports the client’s capacity to function so that it is maintained and developed;

– guides the client in daily activities;

– supports the client in contributing to society in a way that is appropriate to his or her abilities, including the organisation of affairs and networking;

– supports a child in need, a person/family in difficulty, an abused person and a person with an addictive disorder;

– provide first aid where necessary.

Target group:

Persons with at least secondary education who wish to work as a support person or to improve their knowledge in the field of support work.

Conditions for entry:

– have completed at least secondary education

– not have any restrictions on employment under § 20 of the Child Protection Act and § 25(2)(1) of the Social Welfare Act.

Objective of the training programme:

– As a result of the training, the student will acquire the knowledge and skills to work as a support worker with different target groups (children, adults, persons with special needs).

Curriculum volume:

– 240 credit hours (160 hours of classroom work, 80 hours of practical training). There is no independent work.

Cost: EUR 2400


Content of the lesson:

Fundamentals of the work of a support worker. General knowledge of social welfare. Legislation.

– Legislation. Rights and obligations and limits of the work of a support worker.

– Definition of the role of the support worker, tasks and responsibilities.

– Stages of service provision.

– Difference between the services of a personal assistant and a support worker.

– Roles of the service provider in working with clients.

– Targeting activities.

– Protection of personal data.

The importance of self-awareness in the work of a support worker.

– The role of the support worker’s personality in his/her work.

– Personality traits, values, motivation, intelligence, interests, skills.

– Self-image and self-esteem.

– Needs and abilities. Conflicts of needs and values.

– Stress – causes and ways of coping. Stress management.

– Coping with carer stress.

– Reflection on the work of a support worker.

Basics of psychology and special needs education.

– Childhood and adolescence.

– The adult person.

– Old age. D. Bromley’s three-stage theory of the ageing cycle.

– D. Physical and mental development in old age.

– Common psychological problems in different periods of human life.

Prevalent target groups in the work of a support worker.

– Nature, impact and prevention of addictive diseases. Working with a person with an addictive disorder.

– Clients with special needs. Communication with clients with special needs in emergency situations.

– Physical disabilities.

– Clients with mental disorders.

– Domestic violence – psychological, physical, sexual.

– Abuse between relatives.

– Violence and types of aggressive behaviour and ways of preventing violence.

– Responding to behavioural problems

– Causes, consequences and predictors of problem behaviour.

Communication and practical skills of a support worker. Basics of communication processes.

– Clear and unclear communication

– Establishing contact, interviewing, active listening as a helping skill, giving feedback.

– Motivating the listener to cooperate

– Avoiding communication barriers

– Individual work, teamwork, networking

– Framing skills

– Coping with resistance

– Conflict situations

– Working with a manipulative or resistant client

First aid

– Resuscitation
– External bleeding
– Nature and signs of shock
– Wounds, trauma and fractures
– Poisoning
– Burns, burns, cold injuries
– First aid techniques and tools

Practical training: 80 hours

Teaching methods.

Conditions for completing the training and documents to be issued:

Lectures, seminars, demonstrations, talks, lectures, etc.
Completion of the course requires attendance of at least 70% of the contact hours and passing the final examination with a result of at least 60%, practical training.

In order to obtain a first aid certificate, at least 80% of the contact hours must be attended.

Assessment method and assessment criterion:

Test. A minimum of 60% correct answers is required to pass the test.

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