“Fundamentals of Law for Non-Lawyers” an online course that introduces the basics of law and helps you understand the various branches of law as a unified, interrelated whole.

Taking this course will allow you to learn how to independently protect civil rights without resorting to the services of lawyers or attorneys.

The knowledge gained will be useful when getting married, making household transactions, organizing a business or getting a job. 

The course will be useful for those who are interested in the application of the law in everyday life.

Knowledge is imparted in a clear and engaging way for non-lawyers. Learning is based on practical examples and case law. Course instructors conduct classes in a simple accessible language, which allows you to master the training program, without having knowledge in the field of law.  

All interested persons who wish to broaden their legal horizons and learn to express and justify their point of view on legal issues are invited to the course.

The training is conducted in a convenient online format in the “live communication” mode with the opportunity to ask questions and receive targeted answers.

Course volume – 80 akad. hours, of which 60 akad. hours – classroom work and 20 akad. hours – practical and independent work. hours – practical and independent work.