People with at least a basic education who wish to work as a carer or to improve their knowledge in the field of caring.

Target group:People with at least a basic education who swant to work as a caregiver or improve their knowledge in the field of caregiving.

Conditions for starting an apprenticeship: the applicant must have completed at least primary education

Objective of the training programme:The trainee will have the necessary knowledge to pass the level 3 examination of the professional standard for care workers and to work as a care worker.

Curriculum volume: 280 ac. hours (160 hours-audiovisual work, 80 hours-practical work + 40 hours)

General skills and general knowledge.


  • Basics of Communication, Customer Service and Professional Ethics
  • Contacting and interacting with an adversary and their network
  • Assessing the factors affecting the health and quality of life of the person in need and supporting the person in need
  • Supporting the survival of the person affected and providing health and rehabilitation services
  • Esmaabi
  • Assisting a dependent with living arrangements
  • Organising the work of a care worker

For more details on the curriculum of the courses, click here:


Cost – 2375. 00 eurot



Module 1
General skills and knowledge. Overview of occupational legislation. Occupational health and safety. Fundamentals of communication, customer service and professional ethics.
Total: 14 ac. hours

Module 2

Establishing contact with a person in need and their loved ones. Assessing the situation of a person in need. Utilizing appropriate communication techniques for the person in need and their loved ones. Dealing with complaints and problems
Total: 18 ac.hrs.

Module 3

Assessing factors affecting the health and quality of life of the person in need and their support. Identification of quality of life factors for the person in need. Assessing daily problems and determining the need for help. Identification of health hazards
Total: 18 ac. hours

Module 4

Supporting the daily activities of the person in need and organizing rehabilitation services. Legislation and the concept of guardianship. Guidance, assistance and support for the needy. Supporting the rehabilitation of the needy and organizing health care services. Determining need, acquiring and assisting with aids. Social services
Total: 20 ac. hours

Module 5

First Aid. Standards of vital functions (e.g., heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.). Various seizures, accidents (e.g., drowning, electrocution, etc.). Injuries (fractures, bleeding, etc.) that threaten life and health. The ABCs of resuscitation. First aid measures and equipment.
Total: 22 ac. hours

Module 6

Assisting those in need in daily activities. Maintaining a safe environment. Communication. Breathing. Eating and drinking. Healthy eating. Excretion. Personal hygiene. Getting dressed. Checking body temperature. Purchasing medications. Physical activity. Work and hobbies. Expressing sexuality. Sleeping. Caring for the deceased, communicating with loved ones.
Total: 38 ac. hours

Module 7

Organizing your work. Planning your work day. Preparing work plans. Utilizing work experience and professional skills. Participating in teamwork. Forms of business ownership, taxation and social contracts. Supporting oneself and preventing professional burnout.
Total: 14 ac. hours

Module 8

Special skills and knowledge. Caring for people with special needs.
Total: 26 ac. hours

Module 9

Practicum in a care facility.
Total: 80 ac.hrs.